serving churches
We see local churches as key allies and partners in fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission. We utilize a very specific strategy to empower Christian churches of all denominations to be able to effectively disciple the people they serve starting with the key concepts of forgiveness, reconciliation, salvation, overcoming fear, dealing with abusive relationships, and learning how to confidently love the most difficult people in their lives through our Break Free Workshop.
We have a top-down approach to implementing effective discipleship within a church that starts with the head pastor and works its way down to the brand new believer in Jesus Christ. We believe the key to effective discipleship, spiritual growth, and multiplication is having the leadership of a church walking the same walk they are preaching and teaching to their congregation.
But before we start the top-down approach we attempt to work with the pastor and one or two people in the church who are struggling with disfunctional relationships, debilitating fear, or self-destructive habits. We will partner with that church to minister to those struggling individuals along side the pastor so that the pastor can see the spiritual fruit firsthand and ensure that our approach is a biblical one.
We want to help all of the leaders of a church, from the head pastor to someone discipling another believer, to demonstrate 1 Cor 4:16, 1 Cor 11:1, Phil 3:12, 1 Thes 1:6, and 2 Thes 3:7,9. Our primary goal is to train churches to teach their congregation to live bold, free and victorious lives by understanding, applying, teaching, and living out the Word of God as they lead others to freedom through Jesus Christ. Churches can also use our discipleship experiences to reach the lost by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Our Break Free Workshop can be used as an evangelistic outreach tool to reach lost people who are hurting from broken, dysfunctional, or abusive relationships.
We have a discipleship experience specifically designed to help churches lead families who are struggling to a place of reconciliation and restoration. We have discipleship experiences in other areas such as purity.
If you are a pastor of a local church and are interested in speaking to us about our discipleship experiences please use the contact form below and someone will reach out to you. You can see our core statement of faith here​.
We do not charge churches any type of fees for using our content. We do accept contributions to cover any travel costs required by any of our team members to facilitate training.
our strategy
Pastoral Leadership Team
We start with doing the Break Free Workshop for the minister/pastor/priest team and optionally their wives. Our purpose in doing this is to make effective use of the leadership teams' time and not sharing with anyone else until the pastor/minister/priest team see the value in what we are offering and can validate the biblical approach we are taking. Once the pastor/minister/priest team have approved our content we can then setup the workshop for the next level of leadership.
Elder and Deacon Workshop
Once the pastor/minister/priest team and their wives have experienced the Break Free Workshop we then move on to doing a group workshop for the elders, deacons and their wives. The head pastor/priest/minister will lead the workshop and the pastoral team and their wives along with our team will act as group leaders during the forgiveness and reconciliation breakout session.
Ministry Leaders Workshop
Once the deacons and elders have experienced the Break Free Workshop we then move on to doing a group workshop for all of the other ministry leaders in the church. One of the deacons or elders will lead the workshop and the deacons, elders and their wives will act as group leaders during the forgiveness and reconciliation breakout sessions. Our team will be present to help with questions and assist church leadership conducting the workshop.
Disciplers and Lay Leaders
Once the ministry leaders have epxerienced the Break Free Workshop we then move on to doing a group workshop for anyone in the church who is discipling another believer or serving in any type of ministry capacity. Once this workshop is complete the entire church will be equipped to disciple new believers in the concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation. One of the church leaders will lead the workshop and anyone from the previous leadership levels can act as group leaders during the forgiveness and reconciliation breakout sessions. Our team will be present to help with questions and assist church leadership conducting the workshop.
The Break Free workshop can be used to introduce the concepts of evangelism, forgiveness, overcoming fear, reconciliation, and restoration as part of a discipleship process. Once introduced, a discipler can continue the conversation with the person they are discipling by encouraging them to first forgive everyone in their past for all of the hurts that have been done to them and then encouraging them to ask God to forgive them for all the hurtful things they have done to people. And then finally challenging and encouraging them to overcome fear, reconcile, and restore relationships with as many people as they possibly can and then teaching them to share and teach others what they have learned.