Giving God the Glory
Noel - Missouri
It is very difficult to live the life God intends for us when a cage of lies keeps us from seeing what that life is. Jon was the first person to spend enough hours with my family that I truly believed him when he said he cared about and loved us. Jon helped my family rediscover God and His definitions of life and what kind of lives we were meant to lead.
Geoff - Montana
I believe that if this God centered, biblical approach to marriage and family discipling were implemented in every church this incredible process of relating to others would spread like wild fire throughout all communities! Don't let this pass you by. It very well could be the life changing experience you've been hoping and praying for your whole life!
Brendan - Montana
I met John 4 years ago and was introduced to the break free ministry and there was a huge element of practical application and hard challenges that force a person to either dive deep or live in denial/deception. I can’t describe the feeling to you, not effectively, but praying was like pulling thorns from my chest. What Christ did on the cross not only gives us the power to walk in obedience, but also freedom, joy and reconciliation.
Miguel - Mexico
One of the biggest challenges I faced was overcoming a mountain of hurt and pain resulting from a lifetime of abusive and hurtful people in my life. The concepts I learned from Break Free are just as valuable to me today as when I was first introduced to them and have become an invaluable addition to my arsenal for a right daily living.