purity groups
fellowship - accountability - tools to stay pure
Sexual purity is a somewhat difficult subject for many churches to handle. How much detail do you go into and in what format? Is it enough to address purity in the pulpit during a Sunday morning service, or is it enough to talk about it during a men's bible study? Maybe reading a book on purity is enough. How does a church teach parents how to effectively communicate about this subject when they may have never learned how to? While all three of those instruments of communication are great ways for the Holy Spirit to convict the heart of a believer, many times they are not enough. James 5:16 commands followers of Christ to confess their sins to one another so that we can pray for each other. There is great confusion among Christians about what accountability truly means. Is accountability something that is forced upon a believer? Or is it something a Christian should embrace and covet? Is accountability the same as judgment? How do you practically utilize accountability to edify others?
We teach churches and other Christian organizations how to set up small accountability groups specifically designed to handle issues of sexual purity and at the same time, build trusting relationships based on godly accountability and fellowship. We offer a bible study that allows a group to start with understanding the spiritual battle that is being waged for the souls of men. A battle our enemy is waging even for the hearts of believers to try and keep them from being used by God to lead others to freedom and keep them in bondage.
The issue of sexual purity is not limited to men. Women struggle in this area just as much as men do and many times find it embarrassing or awkward to talk about it. We have encountered men and women much older in life who have never learned God's design for the human body or the true purpose of sexual intimacy between a husband and wife.
Our purity study is designed for ages 12 on up. Many parents do not realize how early sexual desires arise in the hearts of their children and do not know what is lurking for their children at every turn.
We talk about God's strategy vs Satan's strategy for sex and God's design and desire for our sexual purity. We tackle the difficult subjects of pornography (visual, audio, written form, hypnotic), sexting, sextortion, revenge porn, masturbation, lusting/fantasizing, strip clubs, fetish/hookup website, subscription-based sites such as onlyFans, and other topics as well. We also talk about sexual assault and molestation so that anyone who has endured this type of abuse can be encouraged to forgive so they can be free. We also talk about practical ways to keep ourselves pure on a daily basis and how to hold each other accountable by asking very specific questions that all agree to. We have a specific format we teach for conducting group communication that can be customized. The ideal group size is between two to 5 people based on similar age and gender. For youth groups, we strongly recommend having at least two same-gender adults to help lead the conversation and provide oversight. We also teach group leaders how to respond to any sexually abusive behavior reported amongst the youth they may be serving.
If you are interested in learning more about implementing purity groups in your church or organization please contact us so we can help you be more effective in leading the ones you serve to a life of sexual purity.
Giving God the Glory