For those of you who are new to this page, please allow me to take a moment to briefly introduce myself and the Ministry my family and I have started.
The Bold and Free Ministries was founded by Jon and Alana Farr in 2020 after Jon surrendered to the official call of ministry after twenty-three years of loving the people God brought into his life. October of 2020, after having received confirmation and support from his wife Alana, and his two sons, Isaiah and Noah, Jon went forward during a Sunday service to publicly declare God's call on his life. In January of 2021, Jon and Alana officially formed Bold and Free Ministries.
The Bold and Free Ministries is an evangelism and discipleship ministry dedicated to helping people live the abundant life God has designed for them by showing them how to live bold, free, and victorious lives. Focusing on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we show people how to have healthy, safe, reconciled, and trust-filled relationships. We show people how to break free from the tormenting pain of past hurts done to them, and by them, through authentic forgiveness. We show people how to break free from the destructive cycle of sinful behavior they find themself ensnared by in so many relationships through authentic reconciliation. Then we show them how to overcome fear, put faith into action, restore relationships, and love people, even the ones who are hard to love, in a bold and courageous way.
At the age of nineteen, Jon, a Texas native, found freedom by starting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ shortly after meeting Cullen Davis, the man who was accused of murdering his father. Shortly after accepting Jesus Christ, Jon chose to authentically forgive Cullen Davis and was set free from years of bitterness, rage, resentment, and tormenting pain.
Jon and Alana have also worked through many difficult issues in their own marriage by God's grace and have been married for twenty-four years and have two amazing sons. Their struggle and path to a reconciled and restored relationship became the foundation for the ministry.
​God has used Jon and Alana to help reconcile and restore families going through separation or divorce. Jon has also led individuals suffering from many forms of abuse, addictions, and suicidal tendencies, to freedom from past pain and then shown them how to live free and love in a bold and courageous way.
Are you ready to be free from the past and live a bold, courageous, and victorious life? We offer our content, discipleship, and training to individuals, families, churches, and other organizations at no charge. We want to help you enter into a cycle of love, reconciliation, and restoration. We encourage you to contact us today at Jon.farr@theboldandfree.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Our Fruit of Forgiveness Ministry proudly endorses the Bold and Free Ministry. Jon and Alana are true servants for the Lord. Dave & Rosie Hill